Letters Of Administration In Spain

This page is relevant when there is no Will and Letters of Administration from the Home Country cannot be obtained.

Why might Letters of Administration in Spain be needed? When someone dies with assets in Spain, then a probate needs to be done in Spain. This is to transfer the assets to the inheritors of the deceased. If there is a Spanish testament made everything is much simpler.

When there is no Spanish testament, however, then the testament and original Grant of Probate will be needed from the Home Country of the deceased. If there is no Will or it excludes assets overseas then you will need to obtain letters of administration in the UK. Or we may need to assist you in organising these in Spain.

There are 2 conditions for being able to obtain these in Spain:

  • The last address of the deceased must have been in Spain OR
  • The deceased had assets in Spain

We can help with a probate all over Spain. Or with letters of administration in Spain, if the deceased or the assets are local to us.
